Mandela Day


During Mandela Month, we at Issy Geshen Home for the Aged are reminded of the profound impact that collective kindness and community support can have on the lives of our family of 69 elders. In the spirit of Ubuntu and to honour Nelson Mandela's legacy, we invite you to join us in making a meaningful difference in the lives of our elders.

Our wish list for Mandela Month includes essential items and activities that will bring joy and comfort to our elders:

  1. Tea and Treats: Simple pleasures like tea and treats brighten their days and provide moments of joy.
  2. Prepare Lunch for Elders: Share a meal and your time by preparing lunch for our elders, creating a sense of community and warmth.
  3. Gifts: Essential toiletries such as soap, toothpaste, deodorant, Vaseline, and comforting items like beanies, scarves, socks, and blankets are always appreciated.
  4. Groceries: Nutritious food is vital for the health and well-being of our elders.
  5. Cleaning Supplies: Volunteer your 67 minutes at the home ensuring a clean and hygienic environment.
  6. Donations of Adult Diapers: adult diapers (medium and large) are crucial for their care.

Your generous contributions and support can make a significant impact. Whether you choose to donate items from our wish list, volunteer your time, or sponsor an activity, every act of kindness helps us provide a dignified and caring environment for our elders.