Engaging with a community through music has immense benefits for people of all ages, but especially so with older adults.
During Women's Month, the Issy Geshen Lamont Home for the Aged and Muthande Society for the Aged presented the KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic Orchestra on 4 August 2022 in celebration of Women's month and to bring joy to almost 200 elders of the Lamontville community. The event was hosted as an in-person event after the Government eased lock-down restrictions earlier this year.
"We believe music is an important resource and have always incorporated it into our programmes. With 70% of our elders being female at the Home, partnering with the KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic Orchestra was the best way to celebrate Women's month this year," said Guy Levene, Chairman, Issy Geshen Lamont Home for the Aged.
He added: "Active music participation holds numerous benefits for elders, from mental and physical health to overall happiness. Our elders love to sing, and they start with practices in September in preparation for the Issy Geshen Singing Festival in November."
Sifiso Lawrence Hlubi, Executive Director, Muthande Society for the Aged: “The performance by the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra significantly impacted the seniors in attendance. We appreciate the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra for providing quality entertainment and immersive experiences, making music and the arts accessible to all South Africans.”The KZN Philharmonic Orchestra has partnered with Issy Geshen Lamont Home for the Aged for the past five years to improve the elders’ well-being through music.